Are there good light bulbs out there for use now?

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Yes. You can get zero bluelight bulbs for evening use at https://store.soraa.com/zeroblue/

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US is all about efficacy. Years behind the EU. So this makes “sense.”

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Not good, not good at all. I would bet that a deal was done to set the 2028 deadline, by allowing them time to input retro active protections against being sued by the public for negligence, malfeasance or failure of due diligence.😐🤦‍♀️

Peoples health, both short and long term have been profoundly disrupted by blue light exposure at the wrong time of day/night, from these products, practices, industry regulatory and manufacturing decisions done without care for the actual evidence or circaidian science. Then to add in the gaslighting done to anyone challenging the industry narrative that "Its just light, it can't cause any harm".

Its irresponsible, perniciously corrupt, and money grubbing politics.

And unfortunately occurring all over the world on this matter, but this ruling is critical as it will be setting standards for industry around the world. They will look to USA 😐😤🤐🤦‍♀️

Thank you for all your continued dedication to trying to salvage humanity's circaidian health.🙏🙏💯

#lightisinformation #informationisbiology #wearemany #wearememory #getlocalised

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Thank you for this valuable info. God has a plan, be sure of that.

Thrilled you are able to shine this light in a very dark place. Now we know what happened and the government is now on notice!

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