It’s -5° this morning so I’m not going out. Will my Lumebox device give me good red and NIR light until the wether warms? I used it 6” from my face with my eyes closed but only for a minutes. How long would be ok? Feels good afterwards.
Thank you for this very intriguing post Dr. Do you know if there are studies comparing the outside exposure amount of red and NIR to the devices that are being marketed as red light therapy? I've put a link to one as an example.
Also, do you know if any research has been done as to what time, early or late morning is most beneficial for being exposed to the red/NIR light?
Many thanks for your work. I am sharing your knowledge with family and friends particular around the link between light health and cancer.
Start at minute 18:00. The reason no doctor’s tell people this is that it goes against the paradigm that uv light is toxic. Come on doc open your eyes!! It’s right there go outside and listen to this in the sun.
I haven't seen UV has a time of day effect like 670 nm red, but if you can provide a research study I would welcome it
Not to mention the fantastic spiritual and emotional bond we can build with a loved one, or ourselves, during that calm period of the day.
It’s -5° this morning so I’m not going out. Will my Lumebox device give me good red and NIR light until the wether warms? I used it 6” from my face with my eyes closed but only for a minutes. How long would be ok? Feels good afterwards.
Thank you for this very intriguing post Dr. Do you know if there are studies comparing the outside exposure amount of red and NIR to the devices that are being marketed as red light therapy? I've put a link to one as an example.
Also, do you know if any research has been done as to what time, early or late morning is most beneficial for being exposed to the red/NIR light?
Many thanks for your work. I am sharing your knowledge with family and friends particular around the link between light health and cancer.
Does morning red light only work outdoors or will my device be effective then too?
There are medical devices used to shine 670 nm red light into a person eyes, but this should only be done under medical supervision.
Failed to mention the most important action POMC! Agree with what your saying but s we need a lot of UVA and UVB light to cleave POMC.
I haven't seen UV has a time of day effect like 670 nm red, but if you can provide a research study I would welcome it
Start at minute 18:00. The reason no doctor’s tell people this is that it goes against the paradigm that uv light is toxic. Come on doc open your eyes!! It’s right there go outside and listen to this in the sun.