Thanks for these resources Doc! My wife and I have a blog and podcast that discusses these issues. We interviewed Mark Baker of The Soft Lights Foundation a little while back. Have you heard of Mark?
Perhaps a proposal to the Danny Jones UT channel could help jump start this immensely vital conversation?
>read somewhere that LED lighting can lead to a host of health issues including Blindness- took me a while to source incandescent bulbs - big help as I'm quite sensitive2blue light & LED.
Blows me away that the masses r so blind to the effects of lighting on health & well-being🙈😲
Thanks for these resources Doc! My wife and I have a blog and podcast that discusses these issues. We interviewed Mark Baker of The Soft Lights Foundation a little while back. Have you heard of Mark?
Perhaps a proposal to the Danny Jones UT channel could help jump start this immensely vital conversation?
>read somewhere that LED lighting can lead to a host of health issues including Blindness- took me a while to source incandescent bulbs - big help as I'm quite sensitive2blue light & LED.
Blows me away that the masses r so blind to the effects of lighting on health & well-being🙈😲
Thank you. What we need is specific brands of light bulbs that are available now and how to use them.