Subtitle Option 3: "A Prescription of Better LED Light for Better Health Outcomes"

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The second sub-title has a more inviting 'ring' to it.

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I believe the second sub-title will cause the book to disappear into the large arena of similar sounding books, courses, and alternative therapies. The first title stands out and causes the observer to consider and challenge his presuppositions.

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Definitely the second one when appealing to a layperson reader. IMO it appeals more to their desire for wellness in a positive way rather than fearful.

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May I suggest option 3?

Change your light, change your life

What you don't know about LEDs can hurt you

[reference your Harvard credentials, of course, so the audience knows this isn't unfounded sensationalism]

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I don't want a paperback version, I want a Kindle version.

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Thank you very much for sharing your findings - as an architectural lighting designer, I know just how much of a paradigm shift in human-centered construction it all can lead to. What we need now are the products to specify - how best to get that effort moving? I want to help.

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Looking forward to it no matter the title! I do think you bring something unique with your focus on indoor lighting.

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